
About Gesthotel

GHM, your specialist in hotel and restaurant software for over 35 years! PMS Hotel and Restaurant software. Cash management software certified NF525 - Our hotel and restaurant software suite stock seminars: Éole - Zéphyr - Notus - Alizé - Sirocco. With numerous interfaces to meet the needs of each establishment. Our hotel and restaurant PMS have been created from A to Z by our own developers. Our entire Hotline team comes from the hotel and restaurant industry, so they know your business and are at your disposal to help you with our hotel and restaurant PMSs.

Gesthotel pricing

€0,50 per unit (min. €19) per month for integration with the Cubilis Channel Manager.

Gesthotel screenshots

See Lighthouse in action

Let us introduce you to the Lighthouse platform. Schedule a demo and we'll address any questions you have.