
About Bookzo

Thanks to the extensive linking possibilities within our reservation software, you will always work efficiently. Keeping double bookkeeping or double bookings are therefore a thing of the past. We offer links to a large number of software packages, including administration software, channel managers and cash registers.

Bookzo features

Innovative reservation software with link between website, reservation program and administration. Landlords benefit from time savings and money savings. Bookzo's database is in the cloud. This makes it unnecessary to invest in your own server and makes it possible to work with Bookzo from multiple locations. The customer base of Bookzo is spread all over Europe. The property management system can be used in multiple languages, even within one organization.

Bookzo pricing

€0,50 per unit (min. €19) per month for integration with the Cubilis Channel Manager.

Bookzo screenshots

See Lighthouse in action

Let us introduce you to the Lighthouse platform. Schedule a demo and we'll address any questions you have.