Chloë PMS

About Chloë PMS

In 2001, Sphère Informatique, a professional management software publisher, launched the first tool offering a visual planning system bringing together all the activity management functions designed and organised for non-IT users: CHLOË.

Since then, CHLOË has always retained its strength: a great management power behind a great simplicity of use.

As the hotel business world is changing very quickly and the needs of customers are growing, CHLOË very quickly proposed new complementary modules, integrated into the same information space but available "à la carte" for unequalled flexibility: Restaurant, Timetable Planning, Spa, Seminar, Various Activities, Space Rental, Shops ...

Chloë PMS features

The central planning system will allow you to handle all the current operations: visualisation of RESA details, daily T.O., direct entry of bookings, clear visualisation of your planning with the help of a colour grid and, for seasons and events, customisable.

From planning management and entering resas to collection and accounting, from resas via the internet to monitoring your indicators, from touch-screen entry to entry on a portable terminal for the restaurant, Chloë's various modules cover all your needs.

Chloë works on a solid relational database from which she derives all the benefits. From an efficient solution Chloë can process large volumes of information and provide you with a precise answer to each of your questions.

A set of parameters that will be set for you and with you, will allow Chloë to adapt to your organisation and your management style.

Chloë is the Hotel, Accommodation and Services management software you need.

Chloë PMS pricing

€0,50 per unit (min. €19) per month for integration with the Cubilis Channel Manager.

Chloë PMS screenshots

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