Net Affinity

Net Affinity

About Net Affinity

Net Affinity’s booking engine is the newest technology on the market. Feature-rich, lightning fast and made for mobile, it’s everything your guest needs from their booking experience.

This new piece of technology has been built from the ground up, with years’ worth of our knowledge and learnings applied. Hosted using the most modern cloud infrastructure and built around APIs, it enables us to artfully link all your tech together, propelling your systems toward extraordinary heights.

Net Affinity features

Booking Engine

Our booking engine is the newest technology on the market. Feature-rich, lightning fast and made for mobile.

Website Builder

Your website is one of the first chances you have to make an impression on your guests. Decades of experience in this industry means we know what makes a hotel website work

Hotel Gift Vouchers

Our gift voucher platform is purposefully straightforward and easy to use. It enables hotels around the world to quickly customise and sell hotel vouchers every day!

Meta Search

Experience seamless connectivity using our booking engine

Net Affinity pricing

€19 per month for integration with a Stardekk product.

Net Affinity screenshots

See Lighthouse in action

Let us introduce you to the Lighthouse platform. Schedule a demo and we'll address any questions you have.