De Gilde der Brugse Gastenkamers

De Gilde der Brugse Gastenkamers

About De Gilde der Brugse Gastenkamers

Discover the charm, hospitality and diversity of our B&B's and Holiday Homes in Bruges (Flanders, Belgium). The Guild ensures the quality for every night.

The GBG (Gilde der Brugse Gastenverblijven) exists for more than half a century and is the oldest Guild of Guesthouses in Flanders. The Guild is a co-founder of the KSLV (Kleinschalig Stedelijk Logies Vlaanderen).

The GBG has the necessary information, experience and knowledge in the field of legislation to assist its members (old and new) with their rights and obligations.

The GBG board maintains contact between the proprietor, the Tourist Board, the municipal authorities and other partners from the tourism sector.

De Gilde der Brugse Gastenkamers pricing

Several number of OTA, metasearch… integrations are included in your contract.

De Gilde der Brugse Gastenkamers screenshots

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