Hijiffy, S.A.

Hijiffy, S.A.

About Hijiffy, S.A.

Every traveller requires detailed information about their journey and hotels have to deal with thousands of inquiries, at any time of the day, in any of the languages used by their guests. This complexity is challenging for the entire travel industry, who have to compromise on costs of staff and response time.

HiJiffy is a virtual assistant that supports all steps of the traveller journey, from the booking process to reply to frequently asked questions and to notify people each time there’s an important update. The virtual assistant understands and speaks 100+ different languages and has the most knowledgeable AI agent in the industry, already able to understand hundreds of thousands of different questions.

Travellers use their messaging platform of choice, in their own language, and receive instant responses. HiJiffy is a game-changing platform that centralizes all communication channels, from email to phone, from Facebook Messenger to WhatsApp, from SMS to Booking.com messages. When AI isn't able to reply, messages are directed to staff members.

The solution arose from the need to drive more revenue, increase travellers satisfaction and improve overall service. Hundreds of hotels are using HiJiffy, reducing by over 72% the workload for hotels.

Hijiffy, S.A. features

Booking assistant: Enable guests to book wherever they are. HiJiffy’s conversational booking assistant is available 24/7 across your communication channels to provide lightning-fast answers to guests’ queries.

Virtual concierge: HiJiffy’s Hotel Virtual Concierge is available 24/7 from the pre-stay stage until the guests’ departure. Engage with your upcoming visitors before their arrival, provide online check-in and check-out services and offer in-stay upselling opportunities to personalise your guests’ trip. The AI-powered solution is designed to connect with guests at all points during their visit. Contact them via WhatsApp, SMS or email to make sure you are ahead of their needs.

Hijiffy, S.A. pricing

€19 per month for integration with a Stardekk product.

Hijiffy, S.A. screenshots

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