
About Exact

Our company was founded in 1984 by six students. They were convinced of the importance of information technology in business. Now, 35 years later, Exact is the market leader in financial and business software. Internationally operating organisations and local companies are perfectly at home with us. Our 1,850 employees are passionate about helping 500,000 entrepreneurs and accountants by continuously providing them with innovative solutions. With these solutions, they manage their figures and successfully run their businesses every day. Thousands of companies in more than 100 countries rely on Exact software for their business metrics. We use artificial intelligence and machine learning to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business accounting. At Exact, we want you to take full advantage of the power of AI. By using technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and big data, Exact provides detailed insight into your results. So you can make informed decisions and provide high quality advice.

Exact features

The accounting robot takes your administrative work off your hands. No hands accounting we call it. Link all your software to Exact and work from one central system. This prevents duplication of work and avoids errors in your bookkeeping. Collaborate easily with your accountant and save time. 92% of our customers do. With the best online accounting software, you'll have time to do business.

Exact pricing

€19 per month for integration with a Stardekk product.

Exact screenshots

See Lighthouse in action

Let us introduce you to the Lighthouse platform. Schedule a demo and we'll address any questions you have.