Booking Direct

Booking Direct

About Booking Direct

Booking Direct is London’s leading hotel marketing company, the product of years of expertise. We provide tailored marketing solutions to our global network of clients in the hospitality industry. Whatever your goals, our promise to you is “Success Guaranteed.”

Booking Direct features

Price Comparison Tool

Our price comparison tool allows your customers to compare the rates from different service providers so they get the best price possible; generating trust between your customers and your brand.

Social Media Integration

Using your social platforms, our booking engine integrates with information about your customers – so that they get easy, personalized service. Additionally, customers will be able to easily login using their personal social account during checkout, using either Facebook or Google Plus.

Multiple language

Our booking engine can be designed to your needs in multiple languages including English, French, Spanish and German.

Multiple currency

All major currencies are supported, meaning you can price your services in the appropriate currency of the visitor’s home country. Currency signs will be uniquely generated depending on the user’s location.

Booking Direct pricing

Several number of OTA, metasearch… integrations are included in your contract.

Booking Direct screenshots

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